Supply Partner

GREEN is known for its seamless coordination with our suppliers, vendors and subcontractors. We take pride in collaborating with our partners to ensure our mutual success and the success of our clients.

  • 1 Company Details
  • 2 Stakeholders Details
  • 3 Business Details
  • 4 Banking Details
  • 5 Other Information

Product Details

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Product Details

Company Details

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Company Details

Company Name

Registered Address

Company Email ID

Office Telephone No

Mobile No

Stakeholders Details

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Stakeholders Details

Contact Person

Contact Person Email ID

Contact Person Phone No

Bank Information

Bank Account Info

Intermediary Bank Information

Other Information

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Business Details

Factory Address

Zip/Postal Code



Factory Production Capacity

No of Factories

No of Warehouses

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Select File

Banking Details

Name of the Bank

Bank Address

Postal Code

Bank Account No

Account Holders Name

Company Registration Number

Tax ID